26 March 2025
Smaller blocks to be an option in future Forbesview

The door remains open for a North Forbes residential development to include lots ranging from 250 square metres to two hectares, with council's endorsement of the Forbesview planning proposal.

The proposal to rezone 95 hectares of land from rural to residential with the potential to develop blocks in a whole range of sizes has been on public exhibition and came back to councillors at the Forbes shire's December meeting.

The land extends west from Farnell Street to Edward Street on the southern side of School Road.

The plan did receive some objections that the blocks at the lower end of the proposal - one section allowing minimum lots of 250 square metres and another 400 square metres - were too small.

"The proposed rezoning to allow the development of Forbes View development is a high contrast to this area's neighbourhood character which can generally be described as country lifestyle with one dwelling on a large block with lots of open space," one resident wrote.

"There is a community expectation (both existing and new residents) that the area will remain rural in feel with large blocks, much vegetation and generous open space (both public and private)."

Deputy Mayor Chris Roylance and Cr Marg Duggan raised that when feedback came back to councillors for consideration.

"It really does change the nature of our residential areas, we’re not in a metropolitan area where we’re landlocked or anything," Cr Duggan said.

"I think in the years to come it will overpopulate that area and that leads to a lot of other strains on our infrastructure."

Another submission raised concerns about additional traffic.

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"The transport impact assessment identified the volume of traffic at specific intersections during the development of this estate and the increase of vehicle traffic past my property during the peak hours is staggering," they wrote, asking what measures would be put in place to ensure residents would be able to safely enter and exit existing properties.

"The numbers in the TIA indicate there is likely to be 10 vehicles every minute past my property during the morning and afternoon peak periods - a time when many people leave and enter their properties for school drop off and pick up.

"I disagree with the conclusion made in the TIA there will be 'no adverse traffic implications'."

A letter prepared by Allera Planning Pty Ltd on behalf of Forbesview Pty Ltd in response to the submissions says the Forbes Housing Strategy has identified a need for 1819 new dwellings to accommodate projected growth.

It explains the master plan is indicative - future residential developments will strive to offer a broader range of lot sizes to respond to market demand.

An environmental management area is proposed to preserve the majority of the trees in the northwest portion of the site, the masterplan aims to balance proposed residential development with recreational and environmental areas.

Cr Michele Herbert and Mayor Phyllis Miller said at the meeting it was important to offer smaller blocks for lifestyle and affordability.

Mayor Phyllis Miller also added any future subdivision into lots would still have to come back before the council.

"It doesn’t mean they’re going to get people that take up a lot of 250," she said.

"But there might be a first home owner who can build themselves a small home on a small lot affordably. Land prices are growing in this town."

Director Planning and Growth Mat Teale said the plan proposed smaller lots around a small scale commercial hub that was also part of the plans.

"It’s reasonable when you consider they’re creating a small scale commercial hub that you would have smaller lot sizes associated with that," he said.

Mr Teale added the Forbesview proposal was a 50-year plan, and that offering a range of housing blocks reflected council's housing strategy.

"They’re talking about having a strong connectivity both to aged care and also the Cypress Lane drainage that one day will act as a link to Lake Forbes back into the CBD," he said.

Forbesview adds to a number of residential developments on that side of town, including Estate, Boganvilla Estate, Halls Run estate and State Government development.

The council is also working on a servicing strategy for North Forbes to ensure water, sewer, storm water and other services can cater for future development.