26 March 2025
From the mayor’s desk

Thank you to all members of the community who completed the all-important Community Survey for our Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

The CSP is a 10-year plan for the future of our shire and sets out the strategies Council will undertake to achieve each item in the plan.

The survey was the first stage of updating the CSP, and this was the community’s chance to let Council know what it wants and expects for the future of Forbes.

To everyone who took the time to complete the survey and have their say, thank you for your effort.

I’d also like to say a special “thank you” to the hundreds of local children who completed the survey – you are the future of our shire, and your input is so important.

Council will now collect all the data from the responses and let the community know “what we heard” as the next stage of updating the CSP.

The community will now get another chance to provide more input, so stay tuned for the details.

The final stage will see all information collated and the final CSP report created, which will be adopted by Council on 1 July 2025.

I am looking forward to welcoming new members of our community at our next Welcome to Forbes event on Thursday 27 February at the Vandenberg Hotel.

If you have moved to Forbes Shire I would love to see you there.

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It’s a great way to meet other new residents and get to know more about Amazing Forbes, Forbes Shire Council, as well as the various community and sporting groups in town. The event starts at 5:30pm.

To RSVP please call Council on 6850 2300 or email

For all residents impacted by the devastating 2022 floods, please do not forget to RSVP to the two-year flood recovery check-in event.

It is completely free and will include Legal Aid NSW, NSW Reconstruction Authority and NSW Ambulance to give you the guidance you need, and even some free health checks.

It will be at the Forbes Rugby Club from 5pm – 6:30pm on Wednesday 26 February. Please RSVP by texting Phil Worrad on 0436 921 076.

God Bless,

Phyllis Miller OAM