23 January 2025
Forbes VIEW Club: Talking art, trash and treasure


The November meeting of Forbes View Club saw Trudi Mallick, Chairperson of Forbes Art Society, address members on the progress of the new Art Gallery and Cultural Centre.

She outlined the history of the Art Society since being established in 1970, the inspiration behind the Sculptures Down the Lachlan project and the onboarding of Evolution Mining and Forbes Shire Council.

One of the many interesting facts Trudi mentioned, was that over 96,000 people have viewed Varanus, the Goanna since 2020.

Now that the sculpture trail is complete, attention has refocused on the Art Gallery and Cultural Centre being developed in the old ambulance station.

“This project will add to the tourism in the town,” Trudi commented, “providing a space for travelling exhibitions, displays by local artists, a workshop area for a variety of artistic activities and a retail space for the Platypus Gallery."

“One of the showpieces will be the spiral staircase in the centre of the building," she added.

Trudi briefly outlined the background of the project, the difficulties and frustrations being experienced, and the many holdups preventing a smooth build.

At present they are waiting for a State Government grant to complete the project.

When it is finally completed, they will need plenty of volunteers to be walkers and guides so will be looking to the local community for help.

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View Club held a garage sale on November 16 attracting many treasure hunters and bargain buyers, and there were plenty of bargains to be had.

They say ‘someone’s trash is another person’s treasure’ so all sorts of things sold quickly, with happy customers going away with chairs, crystal, crockery, and other sundry household items.

The proceeds will be combined with the profits from the Trivia Night and Bunnings sausage sizzle to support one of our nine students in need for another twelve months.

Thank you to all who supported or assisted in these activities. It was greatly appreciated.

The next View meeting will be on December 12, 12 noon at Club Forbes.

Ladies are asked to book with their designated contact person for this lunch by Thursday December 5. Just a reminder this will be our Christmas celebration and members are asked to bring along a gift for a child/ young person or a donation for our Christmas gift basket.