23 February 2025
Big Summer fun


Forbes Baptist Church Christian volunteers ran their sixth Big summer/freeze holiday program.

The program invites children in for four packed days. Our days start with loads of games like dodge ball, red rover and many more.

We then all come together having a time of what we call “Big Group” Each year we have a theme and bible stories. Our leaders encourage the kids to sing and dance to kids gospel songs, we have more games and then we act out a “discussion starter” before the kids head into “small group”.

The kids dig into the bible each day and do some art work in smaller groups.

The focus this year was creation of everyone and everything; the fall - sin entered the world through Adam and Eves rebellion against God; Jesus’s life on earth and his death on the cross to take the punishment for all sin; and then day four when Jesus comes back to life beating sin and death for all who put their trust in Jesus.

The kids really enjoy craft each day and have some chill time with a video.

This year we were so encouraged by the parents response to this community program.

Our team worked extremely hard while having an absolutely wonderful time showing and telling the kids about king Jesus.

The team were thanked by parents in some very generous ways with kind words, notes of thanks, cupcakes and financial support to help run the program. This was so encouraging for the team and we all wanted to say a big thankyou to the parents and community for their support.

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Our program runs in the July school holidays.

To keep up to date follow us on our Facebook page

And if anyone has any questions about the bible, Jesus, God or faith please reach out.

We meet each Sunday at Forbes Baptist Church 10am to learn from God's word the bible, worship and to have community with one another with tea/coffee, morning tea and good conversations. So come do life with FBC, all are welcome.

We offer a wonderful kids program during the school term “FBC Kids” where your children can continue their big summer adventure of getting to know Jesus and seeing friends with the big summer team.