15 March 2025
SSAA news:


Results of the Forbes S.S.A.A. sporting shooters .22 calibre rimfire rifle shoot held on Wednesday 5 March 2025.

25metre Buffalo target shoot: David McCue, 269/270; John Dean, 267/270; Lionel Redfern, 262/270; Wayne Burton, 261/270; Dennis Christey, 256/270; Jennie Carpenter, 245/270 and David Sanderson, 229/270.

50metre Crow target: David McCue, 246/250; John Dean, 242/250; Lionel Redfern, 227/250; Dennis Christey, 224/250; Jennie Carpenter, 220/250; Wayne Burton, 208/250 and David Sanderson, 116/250

75metre Fly target: John Dean, 107/120; David McCue, 106/120; Dennis Christey, 85/120 and David Sanderson, 85/120.

100metre Bear target: David McCue, 111/120; John Dean, 100/120 and David Sanderson, 85/120.

The weather was warm with light breeze from the south west at 8kph and a temperature of 28 degrees.

The range officer was Bruce Runchel. Scorer was Bruce Runchel.

The Forbes sporting clays held their Cliff Bradley Memorial Trophy shoot on 9 March. It was a 25 target DTL point score shoot and the results follow.

The winner of the Cliff Bradley Memorial trophy was Sean McCarthy, 64/75.

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The other scores were: Ben Smith, 53/75; Cameron Smith, 47/75; Nick Ridley, 38/75; Greg Allan, 37/75; Phil Creal, 34/75; Doug Davis, 27/75; Des Shead, 18/75 and Craig Ridgy, 9/75.

The weather was warm with a temperature of 31 degrees and a light breeze from the north east at 12kph. There were 10 members in attendance, the shooters came from Forbes, Griffith, Condoblin and Dubbo.

The results of the 75 target field shoot were: Greg Allen(Griffith) 22-20-22 total 64; Nick Ridley, (Condoblin)20-17-16 total 53; Sean McCarthy, 21-16-12 total 49; Cameron Smith, (Dubbo) 16-17-16 total 49; Phil Creal 19-11-15 total 45; Ben Smith 12-14-17 total 43; Craig Ridgy,(Condoblin) 10-11-13 total 34; Des Shead, 8-11-11 total 31 and Doug Davis, one round for 12 total12.

The next shoot for the Forbes S.S.A.A. sporting clays will be their monthly shoot on Sunday 13 April 2025 this will be a 100 target field shoot starting at 10am. If wet a five stand shoot will be held at the Bedgerebong road range.

For all information on clay target shooting contact: Norm Brook 0458664541; Tony Bratton (02) 68523349; Ben Smith 0427524151; Doug Davis (02) 68523249 and Phil Picker (02) 68516494.

Any person wishing to obtain a long arm firearm licence can contact Wayne Facey on 0414524059; Norm Brook on 0458664541; Tony Bratton on (02) 68523349 to do a firearm safe shooting assessment course which is a requirement for a firearm licence application.

The next S.S.A.A. sporting shooters .22 cabilre and other rimfire rifle (.22 magnum or.17HMR).

The next Sunday will be held this Sunday 16 March 2025 starting at 10am. The centre- fire shoot will take place at 2pm on Sunday after the rimfire shoot.

Centre-fire shooters names in by 1.30pm so the targets can be placed on the Centre-fire range just after 1.30pm.

The next Wednesday shoot will be held on Wednesday 19 March 2025 starting at 2pm.

All events at the Bedgerebong road range, turn right off the Bedgerebong road onto Dr. Young Drive.

All target shooters are welcome to attend these shoots. Any person wishing try rifle or shotgun shooting can attend any of these shoots to take part after filling out a P650 form at the club, Junior shooters must be 12 years or over.

For all information on .22 calibre rimfire shooting contact Wayne Facey 0414524059; Norm Brook 0458664541; Ben Smith 0427524151); David Coleman 0427401263.

Members are reminded that Local Range rules apply to all Forbes SSAA ranges.

Like us on facebook @ Forbes Sporting Shooters.

SSAA members should check the facebook page for shoot details for dates and times and cancellation of shoots due to wet weather also check the local community radio station 2LVR 97.9 FM.