22 February 2025
Croquet club celebrates 2024

Forbes Croquet Club has been in recess since December 14 and will resume play on January 7, 2025.

During recess our Christmas luncheon and prize giving day was held on December 17 at the Vandenberg Hotel with 54 in attendance.

The tables were suitably decorated in the Christmas theme by Irene Ford, Cheryl Toohey and Elvy Quirk.

A scrumptious meal was served by the staff and the set up in the bar area was nothing short of amazing with plenty of room to move.

Each guest was treated to a Christmas cookie made by Irene Ford and a special thank you must go to Irene.

The Christmas cake made by President, Elvy and iced by Shirley Myers took pride of place with Kevin Wenning and Wayne Wright our very new members given the honour of cutting the cake.

Lucky door prizes were won by Jane Gilmour and John Cole whilst many other lucky prizes were won by various members.

On the day Encouragement Award Certificates were received by Russell Anderson, Geoff Coles, Frank Donohoe, May Whiley-Jones, Evelyn Mahlo, Bill Scott, Lyn Simmonds and Rex Toole.

Major Trophy awards for the most games won during the year went to the following: Ladies Aussie Croquet Winner Elvy Quirk, Runner Up Fay Picker, Ladies Golf Croquet Winner Elvy Quirk, Runner Up Robin Pols, Mens Aussie Croquet Winner Peter West Runner Up John Browne, Mens Golf Croquet Winner Noel Jolliffe, Runner Up Kevin Rubie. Congratulations must go to those players.

Forbes Croquet Club is a progressive Club with almost 70 members with many contributing towards the running of the Club. So pleasing to see such a happy place.

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During the recess Forbes Shire Council employees have top dressed and fertilized the Croquet lawns and with the extra water given we should start the year with a good coverage on the lawns. A special thank you to the Council employees. Also a special thank you to our members who have given time to help with the watering.

Our member Cherylin Cole has been hospitalized for some weeks and hopefully after further surgery in the New Year she will be up and about. It has been a long process. Best wishes are extended to Cherylin.

Looking forward to the New Year and a safe return to the Croquet Lawns.

Croquet will recommence on January 7, 2025. 8.45 am for a 9 am start.

As the New Year rolls in Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy New Year.

Contributed by Elvy Quirk