4 October 2024
Changing fortunes on bowling greens


‘You win some and you lose some’ is a common saying within all forms of life and that includes lawn bowls. Just ask Scott ‘Scooter’; Andrews and his partner Angie Dwyer in A and B Pairs.

First of all last week they won 18-16 over John Gorton and Cherie Vincent then days later they went down 23-15 to Mick Merritt and Lyall Strudwick.

It was a nail biter for the pair when up against John and Cherie where in the end it was the start that got them home, 7-0 after five ends. They continued to hold the upper hand but the margin shortened, 10-7 after 13 before 12-all at the end of 18. John and Cherie got their noses in front with a two on the next, however Angie and ‘Scooter’ levelled the next end for 14-all then 15-all after 22. 3-1 had the past champ and his talented lead into the next round.

Then a slightly different story with the unsung Mick Merritt and Lyall Strudwick pulling out all stops to lead 4-0 after three only to be behind 4-5 after six, game on. Mick and Lyall responded to lead 14-8 after 13 then 22-12 after 21. Despite a fighting finish Angie and ‘Scooter’ were unable to bridge the gap in the run home. As with many others, next year.

They are billed as A and B Pairs favourites and did not let their supports down with Billy Cowell and Robert ‘Bert’ Bayley winning 28-11 over Allan Hilder and Shayne Staines.

It was all in front for the two B’s who led 10-0 after only five ends continuing the brilliant lead to forge further ahead leading 21-2 after 13. The bird had flown but one shining light for Allan and Shayne they won the last three ends 7-0.

What a score in Minor Triples with Pat O’Neill, Cherie Vincent and Shane ‘Booza’ Bolam winning 34-21 over Lindy Cannon, Billy Cowell and Paul Doust in 21 ends.

The score card was highlighted by an eight on end 17 and a seven on end four to the winners but other then that is was ‘even stevens’. After four it was 14-1, after eight 16-4 and 23-12 after 13. A fight-back loomed with Paul and company bridging the gap to 23-20 before the eight raised its ugly head for 31-20. Game over bar the shouting.

The win by Pat, Cherie and ‘Booza’ have them in the final taking on Cliff Nelson, Bill Scott and Robert ‘Pooch’ Dukes. Just another challenge for the brother-in-laws ‘Booza’ and ‘Pooch’ who have this season met more then once in finals with each game displaying highlights of two bowlers who are considered amongst many as the future of the sport in Forbes.

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In A and B Pairs the steady combination of Cliff Nelson and Jeff Nicholson are ready for the final awaiting a couple of game yet to be played, hopefully in the very near future.

Noms are still open for Minor Fours while in a change of scenery noms are being called for directors of the club as reported last week with several current directors standing down including president/treasurer Peter Mackay. We need open minded members willing to continue the successful trend the club is currently experiencing.

Also good to see noms are continuing to roll in for the Lindsay Willding, Clive Herbert and Greg Parslow weekend of bowls to be played Saturday and Sunday November 9 and 10. 2-bowls triples, open draw. $6000 in prize money, not to be missed.

SOCIAL BOWLS – With ideal outdoor spring weather social bowls is trending up all days with eight games last Wednesday morning where card draw winners were the colourful couple of Lesley Dunstan and Noel Jolliffe over the cordial couple of Ann MacKay and Barry Shine in 20 ends. Pretty even throughout, 6-5 to Lesley and Noel after eight, 10-all after 13 and 12-all at the end on 16. A four on end 17 was the difference in the end.

Holiday ‘boy’ Trevor Currey as expected lead superbly for Lyn Simmonds draw as second winners with a 29-10 victory over Therese Davis and Bill O’Connell who failed to get the roll of the green. A highlight for them a three on the last of 16 ends.

Colleen Leibich and Don Craft enjoyed an even battle with Irene Riley and Lyall Strudwick before winning 16-13 in 18 ends. Close all game, 8-7 after seven, 12-10 after 13 with a three on the second last end securing victory for Colleen and Don.

Sue Smith was ‘on fire’ leading for Paul Doust in another even contest winning 22-19 in 22 over Gail McKay and Kerry Dunstan. 5-all after five with Sue and Paul edging ahead 16-11 after 13 only for Gail and Kerry to win the run home 8-6

The best of mates, John ‘Slippery’ Ward and Michael Coles held it together to slip home with a 12-11 win in 20 over Peter MacKay and Sue White. They had to finish strong behind 2-8 after nine to even it up at 8-all after 13. Singles all the way for both with the ‘youngsters’ winning it 4-3.

Angela Dent and Ray Dunstan found form to win 16-11 in 16 over Robyn Mattiske and Barry White despite the score card stating 16-14. That man with pencil, ‘mighter then the sword’.

Ann Nixon continued to win and last week lead for John Baass winning 16-14 over Ron Thurlow and Geoff Coles in 16 ends. It was 4-all after four then 11-5 after seven and 13-11 at the end of 12. Evan stevens to the judge.

In the last Garry James and Geoff West won 17-10 over John Browne and Bill Scott after it was 7-all at half time. They deserve it, they work hard for the club and will now enjoy a cutlet or two winning the Wednesday meat raffle. We’re talking Ron Thurlow and Peter MacKay.

Thursday afternoon had six games vying for the $560 which went unclaimed while the winning rink had Max Vincent and Bob Grant scraping home 22-21 over Dale Maynard and Lyall Strudwick. They did it the hard way, behind 8-19 after 14 of 22 ends. What a finish ... 14-2 and that two came on the last for Dale and Lyall.

Joyce Boland and Bruce ‘Poss’ Jones won 23-12 in 22 over Angie Dwyer and Denny Byrnes leading 5-0 after four, 7-all after 10 skipping way in the second half highlighted by a five and two threes for a comfortable win.

Jason Howell and Paul Doust won 25-14 over Mick Merritt and Peter Hocking (we think) only leading 10-8 after 11 of 22 ends. They had it all but won 21-9 after 18.

Nothing could separate Billy Cowell and Al Phillips in 22 ends playing Peter Besgrove and Viv Russell dead locked at 18-all. 7-all after seven, 13-12 after 15, 16-all after 19 with ‘Bessy’ and Viv having to score a two on the last for the draw.

Allan Hilder and Geoff Williams scraped home 23-20 in 22 over Ron Thurlow and Tony Bratton just in front 9-6 after 10 then it was 11-all after 14 to be behind 15-16 at the end of 19. 8-4 had the win in the last three ends.

In a game of triples over 18 ends Harvey Elliott (remember him?) led for Alan Haynes and Darryl Griffith winning 19-12 over Jordi and John Hyde and Garry Riley scoring best the end after it was 10-all at the end of 10. Max Vincent had a resting toucher while Dale Maynard was sweet with a raspberry.

No 1 was number one drawn as the winner on SUNDAY morning with 36 players in attendance vying for the $460 jackpot. No 1 rink had Peter Tisdell and John Kennedy 12-all with Ron Thurlow and Allan Hilder in the scheduled 16 ends. 5-all after six, 7-all at the end of nine and 11-all after 14 showed how close it was all game.

Two with the club at heart, Tara-Lea Shaw and Peter Mackay combined to win well, 20-7 over Billy Cowell and Cliff Nelson leading 9-4 at drinks. They were however behind early, 1-4 after four.

Peter Besgrove and ‘Bert’ Bayley finished on top in a ‘grudge’ match with Shayne Staines and Brian ‘Spro’ Asimus winning 17-10, 3-all after four, 4-all after six, skipping away to lead 11-5 after nine while a five on end 13 helped the cause.

Pat O’Neill and Viv Russell were comfortably in front all game winning 20-12 over Michael Coles and Scott McKellar. 11-2 after six and 17-8 after 12.

Similarly Robbie Hill and Robbie Clegg had the better of Steve Parker and Dale Maynard 22-12 in front 15-4 as the bar called for the half time refresher.

Peter Greenhalgh and Russell Hodge smiled as 16-11 winners over Benny Parslow and Al Phillips having to come from 7-8 down at the end of nine.

Two games of triples finished the morning with Grahame and Garry Riley leading for skip Allan Haynes winning 27-4 in 14 over Jordie and John Hyde and Paul Atkins who could only scored singles on four ends.

In the last it was the girls vs the boys with Jay, Tyler and Terry Murphy winning 16-10 over Joyce Gray, Trish Todd and Nel Sringer (again ?) leading 4-0 after four and 12-6 after 10.

Resting touchers to Viv Russell and Tyler Murphy, raspberry to Michael Coles and Joyce Gray. Chooks to John Cutler, John Kennedy, Kirsty and Tim Marsden, John Hyde, Mick Merritt, Terry Murphy, Dale Maynard and Billy Cowell.