6 January 2025
Celebrating Forbes Public’s sports success

Forbes Public School has been well represented at State level sports this year, across numerous disciplines.

For 18 years Forbes Public School (FPS) has had a specific sports skills teacher and for eight of those years that teacher has been a specialist PDHPE teacher.

This means every child in the school receives an hour a week of developmentally appropriate sport instruction.

These skills are reinforced during Friday sport which is a non-competitive time to have fun participating in physical activity.

Teaching young children fundamental movement skills assists brain development improving handwriting, memory and reading.

The school uses annual funding from Sporting Schools to encourage life-long enjoyment such as golf and tennis.

By explicitly teaching coordination, teamwork and sportsmanship from kindergarten our eight-year-olds have the confidence needed to join competitive Primary Sporting Schools Association (PSSA) sporting pathways and FPS enjoys great success in these PSSA representative sports.

For example 16 athletes, 13 swimmers, four rugby league players, three rugby union players, 10 tennis players, two AFL players and one cricket player represented the Western district at state titles in 2024.

Four athletes broke Western PSSA athletics records. Ari broke a 200m record and our FPS junior boys relay team, Ari, Ash, Jack, Fletcher broke a relay record.

This is an outstanding achievement made possible by the classroom teachers who volunteer to train students, parents who offer their expertise and the P & C who support school sport.

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