4 March 2025
Matters of State with MP Philip Donato


This week there has been Australia-wide media stories broadcast on the tragic death of 10-year-old Biddy Porter, who was murdered four years ago in the most horrific of circumstances. There wouldn't have been a dry eye among those who viewed either Channel 7's Spotlight or ABC the television programs which reported on this tragic of event.

Not only has Biddy's death impacted her family, friends and school, it's had a significant impact on her country community, here in the Orange electorate.

Last year I met Biddy's mother, who shared with me her experience in the aftermath of Biddy's passing. I beggar's belief what Biddy's parents endured, not only with the circumstances of their child's death, but in how the matter was dealt with by the state-based agencies; apparent failures in transparency and consultation, unbalanced treatment and support between the accused and the parents - the living victims of this heinous crime.

I pledged to do whatever it was I could do to assist Biddy's parents seek justice for their daughter, and effect change so that they can find some peace and try to prevent others frombeing let-down by the system.

I have raised issues of concern directly with the NSW Government. To further encourage justice for Biddy and effect change, I have sponsored an e-Petition. In short, the petition calls on the Government to initiate Parliamentary Inquiries into the Director of Public Prosecutions and Mental Health Review Tribunal, reform Victims' Support Services, and to conduct a coronial inquest into Bridgette 'Biddy' Porter's death ensuring justice, transparency, accountability, and fairness for victims of serious crimes.

Should we obtain the minimum 20,000 e-signatures, the matter will be brought to the floor of NSW Parliament to be debated. I invite you all to consider signing this e-Petition. To sign, please visit the following link and follow the prompts: https://shorturl.at/JxZNu


Last week the Orange electorate welcomed a number of state government ministers and department representatives. Orange has never before seen so much genuine interest from the state government.

Last Tuesday in Orange, Transport for NSW facilitated a roundtable on the availability of wheelchair accessible services. It was a great turnout from local stakeholders, whose eager participation provided valuable contribution to this important discussion. Thanks to Ministers Jenny Aitchison MP, Kate Washington MP, and Parliamentary Secretary Liesl Tesch MP for visiting and participating with me in this event.

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I also joined Minister for Disability Inclusion, Family and Communities Kate Washington MP on a visit to Orange District Early Education Program and see the great work they're doing in early childhood education and intervention - such an important sector which underpins the growth of ourcommunity.

It was great to welcome Health Minister Ryan Park MP to the electorate for a two-day visit, which kicked-off at Parkes. Minister Park and I met Dr Kerrie Stewart and a group of fledgling doctors from CSU Medical School. Dr Stewart and her team are home-growing for our future medical workforce. Parkes Shire Council are also to be congratulated for their proactive work in supporting this initiative.

We also met with the hardworking paramedics at Parkes, whose ranks have recently grown with the additional staff announced by the Minister. Whilst we didn't get to meet the new paramedics on-duty, as they were busy in the field attending to calls, we did manage to catch up with NSW Ambulance personnel, who candidly enlightened us to a few of their challenges. The Minister was genuinely interested in their feedback and took away a few things to consider.

We continued the tour, next visiting the Forbes Hospital. We met many of the dedicated staff who look after Forbes'community. We visited the maternity wards and birthing suite, renal ward, and the ageing surgical theatre. There is a need for an additional theatre given that last financial year they performed 771 surgical procedures in their one and only 52-year-old theatre.

Then I joined Health Minister Ryan Park MP for a tour of the Orange Health Service. We met the passionate staff who are always there for our community when in need. It was great for the Minister to tour the palliative care ward and once again speak to the members of Orange Push for Palliative, which I know he has a genuine interest in. The Minister pledged further support for palliative services, which we are grateful for.

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