4 March 2025
Lamb sashed Supreme Exhibit of Bedgerabong sheep show

Once again Bedgerabong Show hosted an impressive line up of stud sheep at the 2024 Bedgerabong Show.

There were 80 sheep from six Poll Dorset studs, two Border Leicester studs, one White Suffolk stud and two schools were exhibiting their Merino wether teams.

The Champion Interbreed ram was won by Cranbrook Poll Dorset Stud with Cranbrook 230042, which had earlier won Champion Poll Dorset ram.

This win followed on from his successful showing at the NSW Dorset Championships where he won Grand Champion ram.

The Champion Interbreed ewe was won by Ridgehaven Poll Dorset Stud with Ridgehaven 240001, which had earlier won Champion Poll Dorset ewe.

This four-month-old ewe lamb was then sashed the 2024 Bedgerabong Show Sheep Section Supreme Exhibit.

It is not often that a lamb wins Champion ewe and even less common that a lamb wins Supreme Exhibit, but this ewe lamb caught the judge’s eye in the Poll Dorset ewe lamb class and then continued to dominate the show.

Winning the Supreme Exhibit capped off the day perfectly for the Ridgehaven team, they exhibited four lambs which also won the Poll Dorset ram lamb class and came second to the Supreme Exhibit, in the Poll Dorset ewe lamb class.

Ridgehaven are holding their on property ram sale at Cudal on Thursday September 12.