23 February 2025
What’s on with Forbes Garden Club: upcoming meetings, friendship day trips

On July 23 our Forbes Garden Club held their social meeting at the Forbes Men's shed with 34 in attendance.

After the opening of the meeting by President Margaret, Elvy read a very well received poem "Planting your Spring Garden".

The Garden Club has been invited to a Friendship day by the Young Garden Club on October 13 and if you are wishing to go you should put your name down at the next meeting where perhaps a car pooling could be organised.

Cost of lunch is $60 and should be a good day out as it is being held at Clifton Gardens and I believe they are very beautiful. The cost includes entry to the gardens.

It was also mentioned by our assistant secretary Therese that an invitation has been received from Hartley Garden Club who are showcasing an open garden and plant fair weekend on October 19 and 20.

Therese Davis, our very own member and assistant secretary, was our guest speaker on the day and gave a very comprehensive report on her life growing up, becoming a teacher, rearing a family and living in circumstances which were a far cry from the standard of living today.

Therese has a wide circle of friends having lived in a number of places before retiring in Forbes. Therese is the daughter of a well known family in Forbes, the Cannon family.

The trading table proved very popular with oranges, lemons, plants and books for sale.

Our flower of the month was well patronised also with first prize going to Joyce Morrison with an Orchid, 2nd Max Swift a pink camellia and 3rd to Marie Langfield with a rose. Congratulations to those people.

Our raffle on the day was won by Joyce Morrison and 2nd prize to Margaret Dent. Margaret was celebrating her birthday that day so was very fitting.

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Our next meeting will be held at 22 Koala Place on Tuesday August 27, 1.45 pm arrival for a 2pm start. Please bring a chair, hat and mug and also please bring a flower to participate in flower of the month. If inclement weather the venue will change to the Mens shed.

Our guest speaker for August meeting will be Marian Murray, a new member, who has retired to Forbes from Coonamble.

Any members who have gardening tips please bring along to share.

"Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the love they get".

- Contributed by Elvy Quirk