3 January 2025
Voices of the Bush and local faces feature in Outback Magazine

Open this month's RM Williams Outback Magazine and you'll see some familiar faces.

The national publication has shone the spotlight on the work of Rob and Olya Willis, who have been recording the voices of Australians - particularly country people - for more than 40 years.

It's life's work for the Forbes couple, who have both received an OAM, but it's also a passion.

Ensuring tales of day-to-day life and industry in our communities aren't lost, hardship and humour shining through, or recording the stories of those who haven't otherwise had a voice, are so important.

Forgotten Australians and child migrants, Indigenous people involved in or affected by the removal of Indigenous children from their families are just some of those.

The Willises have captured heartache, laughter, tears, joy, trauma, music and more as they've ensured the stories of real people become part of our nation's recorded history.

And yes, stories of Forbes and surrounding districts feature heavily - the memories of local identities including bushman and businessman David Walker are just one example.

Read the full story in the current Outback Magazine and find more online at