Pedalling for a purpose

A group of local cyclists is preparing to pedal their way to the city to raise funds for a charity that brings children's health services to the country.

Stuart Thomas, Luke Randall, Marco Carelli and Terry Cuskelly will ride nearly 400km - with 4000m of climb - on April 4 and 5.

They're raising funds for the Royal Far West Children's Charity, which specialises in supporting the health of country children.

The team was inspired to support the organisation's work with both the local fundraiser op shop in Forbes, and the work of Stuart's daughter as a speech pathologist with Royal Far West.

Megan is based in Manly but is on the team of health professionals that does outreach services to regional communities including Trundle and Tottenham.

The cyclists are planning a 5am departure from the Sunshine Club op shop in Templar Street on Friday 4 April.

They'll be taking as many back roads as possible, which will add plenty of challenge to the journey as they go via Mount Canobolas and then south of Bathurst through towns including Millthorpe, Blayney, O'Connell and then Hartley Vale.

They'll spend the night in Lithgow, again taking a quiet road through to Victoria Pass where they'll rejoin the highway.

The ride will take them past the Opera House, over the Harbour Bridge as they make their way through to Manly and the beach on Saturday afternoon.

Support crew are Alison Lynch and Terry Hodges, who'll be in the support vehicle.

Royal Far West is a specialist child development service providing vital support to improve the health and wellbeing of children in rural and remote areas. Throughout its 100-year history, Royal Far West’s ambition has remained unchanged: ensuring every country child has access to the services they need to support their early development and enrich their lives.

Royal Far West offers multidisciplinary developmental, mental health and disability support services for country children up to the age of 12 through their Centre for Country Kids in Manly, via virtual care and in-community.

They have a team of more than 130 clinicians, including paediatricians, psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, dietitians and orthoptists.

Royal Far West also works to build the capacity of those around the children, including parents, carers, educators and health professionals to improve outcomes for country children.

You can donate online at