21 September 2024
Move to Forbes proved the right one, retiring council leader reflects

August marked the end of an era as Paul Bennett officially retired from Forbes Shire Council.

Mr Bennett, with his wife Paula, moved to Forbes in 1996 when he joined the council as the environmental health and building surveyor.

Ian Shaw was our mayor, Graeme Haley the council's general manager.

At the August Forbes Shire Council meeting, Mr Bennett remembered the day he drove into Forbes from Bourke and crossed Johnny Woods Crossing

"The trees were all changing colour and I thought we've picked a good one here haven't we, this is great," he said.

"And it's true.

"Forbes has been really good to us, it's a beautiful town, our children have grown up here, we've really enjoyed living here and I've enjoyed working at Forbes Shire Council."

In the years that followed Mr Bennett became the council's manager of environmental services and planning, then the department's director.

In late 2020 he took a secondment position as director capital projects, then moved into a role as executive manager capital projects.

"Paul, you have been a valuable part of council's senior leadership team for over 20 years - and during this time Paul has been a true leader, demonstrating commitment, loyalty to the council and of course to the Forbes community," Mayor Phyllis Miller OAM said in making a presentation to him.

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Mr Bennett reflected that "things have changed a lot" in the time he's been with the council.

"When I first started there were only four in the environmental services team, they're probably close to 20 now I would imagine," he said.

"But there's so many more different roles out there, the council does so much more - different things these days than just rates, rubbish and roads that they did 20, 30 years ago.

"It was great to be part of all the big projects - CWIP, the saleyards, Goldridge more recently, new waste and recycling service which is more environmentally friendly ... or promoting the heritage of town.

"It's great to be part of that initial thought, watching it grow and then seeing the finished product."

He thanked the current and previous staff and councillors, including the mayor and general manager.

"I'm very happy I've been able to work here and be part of Forbes Shire Council all those years," Mr Bennett said.

Mayor Miller extended the council's best wishes to Paul and his wife Paula on their retirement, but it's not quite good bye yet.

Mr Bennett will continue connection in the capacity of casual project and planning specialist.