There are 10 candidates for the Forbes shire local government elections, with nine councillors to be elected when Forbes goes to the polls this Saturday, September 14.
The Advocate reached out to our candidates through the contact details they shared with the Electoral Commission, offering each the opportunity to share a bit about themselves with our readers.
My name is Aidan Clarke, I am a father and stepfather of four children aged 1, 7, 9 and 12 and married to Chloe.
I am 28 years old and have served the past three years as a Forbes Shire Councillor. I currently work as a HR Manager. I was born in Forbes, I have grown up in Forbes, I work in Forbes and Chloe and I have been lucky enough to have built our dream home in Forbes.
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This will be my third local government election, I have always had a passion to represent the community and help our town succeed.
Forbes is such an amazing community and when the town is at its lowest we all rally together to lend a hand and comfort each other during times of loss. I have seen first hand this year and it makes me so proud to be a Councillor.
I have always been committed to the continued betterment of our community and providing a voice for young people and families. I have been extremely lucky to be involved in the reinstatement of the Forbes Youth Action Team and this allows me to work with some amazing young people who could all become future Councillors. I believe I am a good listener and I advocate for a welcoming and inclusive town for all.
Tell us, in a few words, what you stand for?
I stand for all community being heard and that decisions made reflect the needs of Forbes. I aim to be transparent, accountable and an active listener so that I can make a real difference.
Who inspires you?
Personally: My parents have worked all their lives, they have raised a family in Forbes, ran a business in Forbes, educated thousands of children in Forbes. Juley and Troy are huge inspirations to me.
Politically: Any strong independent councillor or politician who stands by their independent values and represents their communities.
Marg Duggan has been in business for 23 years – and for more than 20 years of those she’s been collaborating with and supporting our local business community through the Forbes Business Chamber as well.
She’s had diverse community involvement in different groups over the years, and stepped up to the role of Forbes Shire Councillor in 2021.
“I support and promote Forbes as a place for industry to invest, which then creates secure employment and population growth – we will have a healthy, sustainable community,” Marg said.
Marg has a focus on population growth and sustainable businesses, supporting and promoting Forbes as a place for industry to invest.
This creates secure employment and population growth.
Marg is working to promote the advantages of living in Forbes in the central west: affordability, friendliness, safe and easy country living and community engagement.
This includes securing signature events that put Forbes on the map and promotes Forbes as a place to visit.
“Our location on the Lachlan River and the Newell Highway is a huge advantage and those opportunities can be explored further in respect to tourism, arts, transport and various industries,” Marg says.
It has been an absolute privilege to serve as a councilor for Forbes Shire Council the last eight years.
During that time I have chaired the Heritage committee, participated as a member of the Access committee, participated on the Floodplain committee, Library committee and as an Arts OutWest member.
I may not be Forbes born, but I have lived here for over 54 years.
I went to school at Forbes Public and then attended Forbes High School and thoroughly enjoyed my time through those foundation years.
I attended Armidale College of Advanced Education to gain a Diploma in Teaching.
After getting married and having children I studied again to achieve my Bachelor of Education through the University of New England.
I have taught in many schools around our area including Tullibigeal and Ungarie central schools, Middleton, Forbes Public, Forbes North and Grenfell public schools. I have held leadership positions of Executive Teacher, Assistant Principal and Principal.
I also attained a Certificate in Micro Computing at Forbes TAFE and an Executive Certificate for Elected Members through the University of Sydney.
Over the years I have volunteers in many different groups such as State Emergency Service, Forbes Jockey Club, as president of the Forbes High School P and C and currently as a Director of the Forbes Services Memorial Club.
I also enjoy volunteering at the Forbes Museum and Family History Group when time allows.
I am the daughter of an ag pilot and understand the impacts of good years and bad years for farming communities, especially the implications of drought and flooding events that we have experienced.
As a councillor I have continued to learn. Our last term has been one of enrichment, healthy debate and shared decision making. We have had a diverse group of people who have cmoe together as a productive team to ensure the best outcomes for our community.
The achievements of our council are numerous over a short term and include Goldridge Estate, Bunnings expansion, Central West Industrial Park, Multipurpose Equestrian Centre, industrial estate expansion, heated pool upgrade and the new Visitor Information Centre at the former Lachlan Vintage Village.
Being a councillor is a role of service and one which I will endeavour to continue to undertake with honesty, respect, diligence and integrity.
I am community focussed to honour the past, enhance the present and protect the future.
Steve Karaitiana, a fourth-generation Showman, has spent much of his life travelling Australia, experiencing the diversity of communities. However, it's Forbes that holds a special place in his heart. As a candidate in the upcoming Forbes Shire Council election, Steve brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to the town.
Having already served two terms as a Councillor, Steve knows what it takes to represent the community effectively.
His time on the council has been marked by a focus on ensuring that every resident's voice is heard.
"I've always made it a priority to listen to the concerns of the community," Steve says.
He believes that the best outcomes for Forbes come from working together and ensuring Council is transparent and accountable.
Outside of his public duties, Steve enjoys spending time with his nine-year-old son Will.
Steve can often be spotted with Will fishing along the Lachlan River, at the skatepark, bike track, and playgrounds, and of course grabbing a coffee from Lions Park.
I have lived in Forbes all my life and my family is among the early settlers in the district.
They have been involved in mixed farming since the late 1800s, I still enjoy farming today and am an irrigator with Jemalong Irrigation.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my two terms on Forbes Shire Council. During this last term I have been involved with:
Meeting with Jenny Aitchison MP (Minister for Regional Transport and Roads) about widening the Mulyandry Bridge on the Cowra Road and the bridge over the Dog and Duck, the council now have the Dog and Duck bridge in their program. I also spoke to her about flood-damaged roads in the shire.
I have spent a period of time talking to the ARTC trying to move forward installing lights on the Red Bend rail crossing. Together with Forbes Shire Council engineering, we have successfully moved this to number one priority.
I have been working with the Newell Highway task force on getting the Newell Highway flood free at Marsden.
I want to carry on getting a voice on Murray Darling Association and Region 10. I intend to keep pushing to get Wyangala Dam raised.
I am standing for council to represent the rural community and to carry on the work I have been involved with during my term as a councillor.
I have been very proud to be part of a council that has worked well together achieving so much for the community: sales in our industrial areas, Goldridge Estate, Homemakers Centre and the near completion of the equestrian centre.
I would very much like to be here to carry on our achievements of the last council term.
I am inspired by the volunteers in our community who are happy to give up their time to help run sports clubs and other community organisations.
Please Vote 1 for Brian Mattiske, focussed on growth of the Forbes shire.
I’m Phyllis Miller, presently the Mayor of Forbes Shire Council.
I have lived in Forbes for 50 years, and it is the place I call my forever home. I have reared five children, and am a former owner or a business and farming enterprises.
Forbes Shire Council is having a period of high growth in population and development.
I am standing for Council to continue the guidance and support of this existing time.
I am currently the Vice President of LGNSW Rural/Regional.
This position gives me a heads up on pending legislation and contact with Ministers at the State Level.
I am also a Board Member of the Australian Local Government Association, this also provides me with insight into national politics.
My aim has always been to make Forbes a great place to live, raise a family and enjoy life, and it is my belief we are well on the way to seeing this come to fruition.
I find our community to be inspirational in their generosity to help Council whenever they can to make Forbes the best address in the Central West and this is one of the
reasons I look forward to being able to be part of our next Local Government to deliver services to the Forbes community.
Over the almost 45 years that I have been working with the Forbes community I have never been so excited as now, with all the projects that we have been working on coming to fruition.
We’ve got residential development, business development and industrial development, and we are on the cusp of a major increase in all areas.
Our business community is vibrant: I think every country town has been through tough times with floods and COVID and Forbes has stood out as a very strong community.
Forbes and the central west are well positioned for a big influx of domestic tourists with our new Visitor Information Centre in the old Vintage Village being the central attraction.
The sculpture trail is destined to be a major attraction in NSW.
Lake Forbes just gets better and better, the green shady surrounds becoming a real drawcard for people from neighboring towns and travelers coming to our beautiful town.
The lake activation plan that’s been put in place in the most recent term has been in the works for a long time and I have been involved since the mid 90’s on all aspects of its development.
The new Camp Street bridge, fencing around south circle and solar lights illuminating the walkway around the lake are recent additions during this term and every time I see it, especially at night, it just looks sensational and I’m very proud to say our council will be doing a lot more around to lake foreshore.
We constantly hear about councils that are struggling but Forbes shire is in a strong financial position coming in on or below budget annually and are the envy of many councils in NSW.
Next month we’ll host the National Barbecue Championships, and I’m getting a lot of encouragement from locals and as far away as Queensland about this.
As the chair of the Newell Highway task force I will be working on improvement, including a dual highway. I am your representative for the Murry Darling association and will be working on the dam wall being raised.
It’s all part of the big picture of making Forbes an attractive place to work, bring up a family and enjoy life.
I was born and bred in Forbes, I’ve been married to Debbie for almost 50 years, with three boys and four grandchildren all born, bred and educated in Forbes.
Since the 1980’s I’ve been involved in many council and local committees, serving as the president of the chamber of commerce and Forbes promotion and development and involved in Australia day, traffic, home show and quite a few more.
I remain passionate about the development of Forbes, and I am very proud of how Forbes has developed, and I know I have played a major part in what we see in Forbes today and look forward to the new term of council.
A new voice with fresh ideas running for Council, looking to improve and build infrastructure and to help improve public facilities and park areas in our community.
Sarahlee’s priorities are:
Environmental sustainability;
Safety and security;
Support for seniors; and
Community engagement.
I am enthusiastic for another term and asking you to consider a vote for me - Jenny Webb.
So, a bit about me: Born and raised on a farm at Condobolin, Radiography degree Wagga Uni, worked 6 years Mt Isa, bought a property and moved to Bedgerabong in 1990 with my husband Tim, and am a proud mother to Stacey, Kelsie and Tom.
I hold a Bachelor of Applied Science, Diploma of Business Management and Executive Certificate for Elected Members.
I have eight years’ experience on Council, some as your Deputy Mayor, and voiced your views at Local, State and Federal levels.
I’ve devoted most of my career in expanding Medical Imaging Services (Xray, Ultrasound and CT) so my family, friends, community can have access to quality health care locally. I have vigorously campaigned to improve the health needs of our community, including a new operating theatre and retaining maternity services at Forbes, and initiatives to attract more specialists and health professionals rurally.
A strong advocate for better roads, renewed bridges and improved freight routes to support rural families, agribusiness and industries in our shire.
Council has in motion to flood proof some of our arterial roads and I would like to ensure that this continues traction.
Agriculture alone brings in $405M or 25 per cent of Forbes' economy so I continue to support economic development for existing and new businesses to ensure a strong growing business base, and residential growth.
"Being on council is a team effort”, working alongside councillors, staff members and the community who bring their unique knowledge and skills to the table.
I pride myself to uphold Forbes Shire Council's vision, mission and values and always endeavour to represent the interests of Forbes with respect and integrity.
I am James Whalan, husband, chaplain, music educator, ministry agent and proud Forbes resident.
I love our Forbes community - I have been privileged to have been educated and to have lived and worked in Forbes for most of my life.
It has always felt like home.
Forbes has given me so much throughout the years, and now, I want to give back to Forbes.
I want to share my knowledge of the arts, community engagement, education, aged care and advocacy with the Forbes community as a member of council.
I bring the people of Forbes: strong leadership, dedicated attitude, a heart for the Forbes community and people, a vision for growth and industry and compassion, courage and integrity.
Let us work to grow and build an even better and more Amazing Forbes for the future. I am ready to get working for you!
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