Meet the new committee of Eugowra VIEW Club

The Annual General Meeting of the Eugowra VIEW Club was held on 17 February at the CWA rooms.

Past President Kay Jones took the chair for the meeting. Kay read the VIEW Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.

New committee as follows:

President- Irene Sharp

Vice President- Alison Cleary

Secretary- Diane Agustin

Assistant Secretary- Jeanine Gibby

Treasurer- Kay Jones

Assistant Treasurer- Irene Sharp

Learning for Life Officer- Carol Blackwood

Program Officer- Helen Watchorn

Delegate- Sharon Radwick

Publicity Officer- Judy Smith

Wellness Officer- Esther Hyde

Kay thanked Bozena for setting up the room and organising the venue each month. Also for providing coffee and cake following each meeting.

Kay congratulated the club for the great friendship given to all members and noted what a wonderful club we have.

Ros Salliard was thanked for her dedication to her role as the Learning for Life Officer.

Huge thank you to Wendy Drady for her commitment and caring as she carried out the role of Wellness Officer.

The February monthly meeting followed the AGM. New member Margaret Broadbend was welcomed to Eugowra VIEW.

Topics discussed at the meeting included:

(1) Fashion Parade- which has been planned for this year will hopefully go ahead in July

(2) Markets – The committee has offered to run the markets again at the Murals weekend if it goes ahead.

(3) Raffle- won by Helen Watchorn

(4) Vietnam Veterans- Leading up to ANZAC Day in April it was decided that we would invite a Vietnam Veteran to be our speaker at the March meeting. Geoff Connors has accepted the invitation to be that speaker. Members were asked to take along any war memorabilia they have for a table display.

(5) April meeting- would fall on Easter Monday. Members decided to cancel it.

The next meeting will be held at 12pm on Monday 17 March at the CWA rooms.