Libby Coles is Forbes Show 2024 Young Woman

Libby Coles is working in Sydney but she loves coming home to Forbes Show.

She was on Saturday sashed our 2024 Show Young Woman and will represent Forbes at zone next year.

"Being able to represent the Show and being able to further promote the community is such an amazing thing to me," Libby said after the announcement at the Show official opening.

Libby is the daughter of Janeen and Michael Coles and grew up in Forbes.

She attended boarding school but came home every year for the show, bringing friends with her for the weekend.

With her mum's encouragement, the cooking sections have always been Libby's passion, beginning with the decorated biscuits and chocolate crackles and progressing to the fruitcake. She's now a steward of the section.

Libby, who works as a radiation therapist in Sydney, has always aspired to the Young Woman competition.

"I've looked up to other Young Woman, and I've always thought that was something I wanted to do," she said.

Libby encouraged people to be part of the Show effort, volunteering their time to make the event great.

As a Young Woman entrant she, along with runner up Peta Allen, had the opportunity to see just about every section of the show and be involved in sashing - even judging the mullet competition.

Walking through the pavilions, meeting new and old friends, made for a great day.

Our runner up is 17-year-old Peta Allen, a Year 12 student at Forbes High.

Peta's career goal and ambition is to further her experience in a rural setting that contributes to the community, and to promote young rural women in Forbes and surrounding districts.