29 March 2025
Keen: Council receives 200 applications for traineeships

Forbes Shire Council has seen a surge of interest from job hunters in Forbes and surrounds, with more than 200 applications submitted for its 2025 traineeships recruitment campaign.

Almost 130 individuals applied for multiple positions across civil construction, irrigation, horticulture, agriculture, business support, community projects, surveying and drone operations, and sewer plant operations.

The marketing campaign included online and promotional material, as well as Forbes Shire Council’s HR staff travelling to high schools across the Central West to promote the traineeships and living and working in Forbes.

Forbes Shire Council used innovative online and digital interviewing tools for the preliminary applicant shortlisting process.

With the traineeships covering many sections of Forbes Shire Council, General Manager, Steve Loane OAM, said the campaign will give trainees the skills they need to start a career while ensuring skills are maintained in Council’s workforce.

“I have always been a huge advocate for trainees and apprentices in local government and this response from the jobs market has sent a clear message after this campaign. We have had applications from school leavers right through to the more mature aged adults,” he said.

Shortlisting is ongoing and the successful applicants will commence their roles in January 2025.

Forbes Shire Council is accessing funds of over $1 million from the NSW Office of Local Government Local Government Apprentice, Trainee and Cadet program for its 2025 traineeships.