National Playgroup Week this March from 17th to the 23rd is a great time to celebrate.
Families and care-givers in Forbes with babies right up to five-year-olds not attending school are encouraged to visit one of the many playgroups in Forbes.
Playgroups and groups for young children are available every day of the week in Forbes with a number of service providers delivering groups.
“A lot of playgroups in Forbes are supported,” says Forbes North SaCC’s Maree Yapp.
“Service providers do a lot of the work so families can take care of the important task of playing with their children."
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As parents return to work there is likely to be a group activity available for their child with a carer any day of the week, during school terms.
All playgroups and groups for children welcome a diverse range of care-givers from mums, dads, grandparents, friends and nanny’s.
Forbes North Family Playgroup on Wednesdays and Forbes Thursday Playgroup will be celebrating the theme “let's play for our future” with activities for children and a special cake and cuppa for the grown ups.
“Our sessions are free and we would like to see new and familiar faces," Maree says.
So much research is going on around the importance of reading, talking, singing and playing with children.
If you are unable to get to a playgroup check out the webinars available at Playgroup NSW.
Visit the site for more information.
More information at:
Regular events through Forbes North Schools as Community Centres weekly are:
Monday: Australian Breastfeeding Association Parkes / Forbes catchups - meeting third Monday of the month from 10am, connect through Facebook for venue information
Tuesday: Thump Jump Rhyme is early childhood music singalongs for families with young children at the Forbes North School Hall. Enter at the York Street gate before 10am. Phone Maree on 6852 2187 for more information.
Wednesday: Forbes North family playgroup with Maree and Mel from 10am to midday at the Forbes North School hall. Free supported playgroup, phone Maree on 6852 2187 for more information.
Thursday: Playgroup at the Forbes Youth and Community Centre corner Battye and Press streets. Free supported playgroup sessions for families, carers, friends and grandparents with young children.
Friday: Rhyme time at Forbes town library. Free early childhood music and craft sessions welcoming families, carers, friends and grandparents with young children.