10 March 2025
From the Mayor’s desk: It is Local Government Week

Local Government Week

It is Local Government Week! We hope to highlight Council's role is so much more than roads, rates and rubbish - although it is important to keep getting this right but as a progressive council we are driving development and investment in our community while including our residents in events, decision making and giving all an opportunity to be heard and represented.

On Tuesday night, Local Government NSW had an information session for potential new candidates to run for Forbes Shire Council. The Local Government elections will be held on Saturday, September 14.

I am so proud to represent Forbes as the Mayor, I love everything this amazing town has to offer. Like so many I love walking around our beautiful lake, supporting our local football teams, playing squash or any other sport you want to. We have almost 60 sporting groups and around 30 sports facilities in our town.

The thing that I really love about Forbes though is the lifestyle and our friendly community.

Forbes has maintained a significant spend on major and capital projects to the value of $36 million in the last year. Forbes Shire Council had a record spend on road maintenance - $10 million on State Roads and a further $10 million repairing flood damage.

Pitt Stop Corner

I have had some feedback from the community about the location of the new toilet block at the former Pitt Stop. You may recall during the remediation works several underground storage tanks were found and could not be removed. The tanks and a sewer easement through the site resulted in a change of where the toilets were to be located (originally planned closer to the existing building). I think you will all agree, this new green space in our CBD is just lovely.

Be Road Ready for Harvest

Have you booked your place at the Be Road Ready for Harvest Field Day? This is the 14th year this has been held - now it has become a benchmark event of collaboration between road users and regulators.

Our overall aim is to ensure road safety at harvest and this is why we offer the opportunity to learn about current rules and regulations as well as a hands on machinery display. See you there for breakfast on Thursday, August 8.