Congratulations to Forbes VIEW life members

At the first View Club lunch meeting for 2025 held on 13 February at Club Forbes members were welcomed back after the Christmas break by our new President, Helen Pitt.

During the meeting, Helen introduced the new committee for 2025 to View Club members.

There are 12 committee members with a mixture of experienced members combining with members new to the committee to help guide the club for this year.

Judy Kerr, a past District Councillor, presented long service badges to three of our members, with Helen Lupis and Helen Pitt receiving their 20-year badges and Jennifer Purdy receiving her 30-year badge.

Congratulations to these three ladies for a total of 70 years combined service to the community.

Forbes View is one of 280 clubs around Australia and our members add to the 13,000 members Australia wide who support children’s education and the Smith Family.

Members sponsor students, volunteer, fundraise and advocate to improve the life outcomes of Australian children and young people experiencing disadvantage.

The Smith Family is a children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education.

After a tasty meal provided by Club Forbes, members listened to an interesting and informative presentation from guest speaker, Wendy Broome, from Forbes Salvation Army.

Wendy spoke about her background and a little history of the Forbes Salvation Army, her role and experiences in the community and how their programs support people needing assistance.

The next View Club lunch will be on 13 March at Club Forbes starting at 12 noon for 12.30pm start.

Guest speakers for this meeting are Trish Humphries who will expand our knowledge about Forbes Meals on Wheels.

Our second speaker will be Pauline O’Neill talking about home modifications and maintenance services available.

These ladies have a wealth of experience in supporting the community. They work at Forbes HaCC (Home and Community Care) Centre in Harold Street.

Could all members please RSVP to their new contact member on Thursday 6 March.