21 February 2025
Love Forbes Show? Be part of it

It's time to get the show on the road!

The 2025 Forbes Show that is: and it all begins with the organisation's AGM next Tuesday, February 18.

The annual meeting is on from 6.30pm at the Vandenberg Hotel and outgoing president Pip Perry is encouraging those who enjoy our annual show to take the first steps to being part of it by coming along.

Mr Perry, who's been involved in the local show for more than 50 years, has announced he won't be able to put his hand up for another term as president and he'd love to see more locals involved.

The very first Forbes Show was in 1874 and the event has a rich history as surely the longest continuing event in our community.

"Things come and go but the Show's always been there and people just like going to the show - by our gate numbers and good entries it's always popular," Mr Perry said.

Agricultural aspects of the Show such as young judges events and school show teams continue to grow, and the pavilions are always full of art and baking, crafts and flowers.

The ring events continue to draw good numbers and one of the things Mr Perry would like to do this year is bring the popular showjumping closer to the spectators.

Forbes Show made the shift to a one-day event last year with all events focussed on the Saturday, and welcomed a good crowd in good weather.

"We're looking forward to another good show year, and it all starts with the AGM," Mr Perry said.

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Mr Perry has been involved with the show since he was young: lending a hand wherever it was needed whether that was the showjumping arena or on the cattle committee.

He joined the committee of the PA and H Association in 1973 and has now served as its president in three separate stints over the decades.

As passionate as Mr Perry remains about this established local event, he's keen to see the next generation bring their ideas and their skills to the table.

"I'd like to stay involved but it's time for a bit of new blood," he said.

"I think the community wants the show - but like all clubs and things the number of people who want to go to committee meetings is dwindling."