10 March 2025
NAIDOC Week honours for Aunty Wendy Hughes, young sports and arts stars

Forbes held a Community NAIDOC celebration on Friday, August 16 where the community came together and celebrated our local Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Islander people.

Nadika McKeown was the MC for the event and welcomed everyone to the important community celebration.

Elder Wendy Huges and Bridie Hughes conducted the acknowledgement before Dinnawans Connection, Forbes High School, Red Bend Catholic College, Forbes North Public School and Forbes Public School students conducted a traditional opening for Naidoc 2024 including a smoking ceremony and traditional dances.

Three local community members were recognised for their outstanding commitment and achievements to their culture.

"The NAIDOC Week awards celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within our community and recognise the outstanding contributions that our local indigenous people make to improve our community or to promote indigenous issues," Nadika said.

This year three awards were presented, Elder of the Year, Young Creative of the Year and Young Sportsperson of the Year.

Aunty Wendy Hughes was named Elder of the Year, this award presented to an elder who has a strong connection to culture and with her family.

Aunty Wendy's passion for learning and teaching culture to the community is clear.

"She is kind hearted, she is caring, she is always there to lend a hand when needed," Nadika said.

"She volunteers her time to teach and connect with our community, she takes the time to represent and attend all cultural celebrations and activities to further her knowledge and pass this knowledge onto others.

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"She demonstrates passion, persistence, she plays a crucial role in ensuring the Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre remains a vibrant and valuable resource for the Forbes community.

"She loves weaving and doing craft with the Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre's women's group every Thursday, sharing her culture and her life skills to members of the community."

Ollie Flick was awarded Young Creative of the Year.

Ollie is involved in her culture through dance, Indigenous programs and has recently completed a traditional Aboriginal artwork of her own in art class.

"This young woman shows many positive leadership qualities," Nadika said.

Aurora Farrelly was then awarded Young Sportsperson of the Year for her commitment to sport as well as to her culture.

"(Aurora) has made the 2024 under 26's Central West Rugby Union team and has displayed high levels of skills and dedication," Nadika said.

"At Forbes High school she's an active member of the Guri Guri Sports Academy the Ninagu Dance group and persists in displaying positive and proactive leadership skills. She is genuinely such an amazing girl and she'll go really really far."

Nadika congratulated all award recipients.

"We're so proud to have you guys in our community and thank you for all the nominations," she said.

She added it was great it was to see so many young people involved in the day's official proceedings.

This year the Forbes NAIDOC committee invited the community to complete a poster design competition with the winning poster design being selected for the promotion of the day.

The winner was Makel Coe from Red Bend Catholic College.

Forbes Mayor Phyllis Miller OAM had the honour of opening the day's celebrations and addressing all those in attendance.

"It's an honour to be able to celebrate this rich connection with the past, present and the future as days such as today do for us," she said.

"I thank the hard working NAIDOC committee for their efforts in bringing everything together and bringing all of us together to pay tribute and celebrate NAIDOC Day here at the Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre."

Mayor Miller congratulated all of the award nominees.

"These awards aim to recognise sporting and cultural talents of our young Indigenous community members and celebrate the wisdom of our elders and the role they play in the communities and family in it," she said.

"For our elders we pay respect and celebrate those we've lost and those still with us for their struggles and their fight for equality.

"I thank you and I thank everyone for attending and what a wonderful event. I'm very proud as your mayor to say enjoy, have a great day together."

Peter Bright From the Forbes District Lions Club concluded the official celebrations by announcing the club will again be awarding three Indigenous primary school students heading to high school next year with scholarships which will be announced towards the end of the year.

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