Forbes to host Lions district convention

Forbes will host our Lions district convention this month.

This annual event brings Lions members from across the vast District together, giving its volunteer members the opportunity to gather and hear from interesting guest speakers.

Forbes' Ian Acret is serving as District Governor and looking forward to hosting the conference of 43 clubs spread from Coonamble to Wagga Wagga, Winmalee to Ardlethan.

Mr Acret first joined Lions in Cowra in 2002, and has been with our local Lions since moving here a few years ago.

It's an organisation he loves being involved with, particularly since seeing the vital work they've done in distributing hundreds of thousands of dollars in flood relief to our community since the destruction of late 2022.

The recent roll-out of the Lions eye-screening program through the region's primary schools is one of the most rewarding projects he's been a part of.

As many as 25 per cent of the children screened are referred to an optometrist, with issues identified for the first time.

These vision issues, left undetected, could have a significant impact on their education.

"It's vitally important," Mr Acret said.

It's just one of the incredible things Lions do across the world.

Mr Acret has recently attended the organisation's Australian and international conventions, meeting members with a shared heart for service work from all over the globe.

"Our motto is 'we serve'," he said.

Locally, you'll see Lions members cooking barbecues, on the gates at events, and selling raffle tickets to support their work. They've also stepped up to coordinate the roster at the new Driver Reviver van through key travel periods.

The District Convention is on from September 13 to 15, and anyone interested in joining Forbes and District Lions should reach out to Ian Acret on 0481 298 470 or Peter Bright on 0419 463 803.

"We would love to talk to people about getting involved," Mr Acret said.