28 March 2025
Elvis comes to Forbes

Visitors are rocking and rolling into the region and Forbes can join in the fun of the Elvis Festival on Friday morning right in our own town centre.

The Amazing Forbes Street Breakfast has become a Friday morning favourite for Festival-goers and it's on again from 7am to 11am on January 10.

It all happens in Templar Street, in the heart of Forbes CBD, so you can grab a great coffee and breakfast and enjoy free live entertainment through the morning.

There's a great line-up for the music lovers starring Paul Sun Duo, Elvis Roberts and Ray of Elvis, then the Sydney Swing Katz return to light up the dance floor.

Forbes Arts Society is holding an exhibition of art works at the Forbes Town Hall in Harold Street throughout the festival, opening Wednesday right through to Sunday.

The Elvis-inspired exhibition will be open 10am - 4pm each day.