10 March 2025
Crowds make way to Bedgerabong for 2024 Show

The 68th Bedgerabong Show was held on Saturday, August 17 and a crowd was seen at the Bedgerabong Showground for the occasion.

Bedgerabong Show secretary, Anne Earney said it was a very good day with hundreds of children enjoying the variety of activities on offer.

"There were people from everywhere," Anne said.

"We had a really successful three day show jumping event. The horses came from Victoria, ACT, the South Coast, and all over the state. They were really impressed with the grounds and how we put on such an amazing show in a place where there is nothing."

Anne was delighted to say that horse, sheep, pig and exhibitor numbers were up for the 68th annual show and there were three contestants in this year's Young Woman competition.

"The winner was Maddy Kemp, she went to Bedgerabong Public School and Forbes High School.

"It was wonderful to have the emergency services there in all sorts of forms and everybody getting to see and talk to them was really good because normally no one gets to talk to them because you only call them when you need them," Anne said.

Anne was also happy to say the weather was nice for this year's show.

"It didn't do its typical frozen day that it likes to do for Bedgerabong."

Anne would like to send a huge thank you to all of the sponsors of this year's Bedgerabong Show and everyone that came out and enjoyed the day.

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The Bedgerabong Show committee would also love to hear anybody's feedback and suggestions about this year's show to make next year's show even better.

If you loved the Bedgerabong Show the committee would love some extra hands as the Bedgerabong Show is only made possible when there is a dedicated committee passionate about delivering a fun and exciting day for the whole community to enjoy.

If you are interested email the committee via

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