9 March 2025
Community digs in, plants 550 trees in National Tree Day effort

Last weekend saw more than 70 people participating in National Tree Day events in Forbes and Parkes.

A massive thank you to our volunteers who enjoyed a good catch up as well as planting more than 550 plants over the two days.

A massive thanks to Forbes Shire Council and Parkes Shire Council staff for their support in delivering the two events.

We had a rainy start to Forbes National Tree Day on Saturday,July 27, but the sun came out eventually and really delivered a beautiful day. We welcomed over 20 volunteers to the Forbes Recycling and Waste Depot.

There was plenty of mud to be shared. Plenty of sausages and good conversation to be had.

It was a fresh start to Parkes National Tree Day, but the day came around and made for good planting conditions on the creek flat.

We welcomed approximately 50 volunteers, to plant 500 trees at the Akuna Wetland.

The walk into the site provided an opportunity for attendees to check out the plantings from last years National Tree Day event.

They are doing exceptionally well. It is great to be able to look back on our previous plantings. After planting and mulching was completed at both sites, reflection time on the event with a sausage sanger was welcome.

It was fantastic to see so many wonderful volunteers turn out on the two days. Our focus is working together as a community and increasing habitat and connectivity for local fauna. Both sites are perfectly positioned for this goal.

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We have had some of our community attending for many years, but are always excited to see new faces. We aim to plant well and mulch well when they are established to minimise follow up watering.

National Tree Day events are supported by Toyota and we are grateful for the ongoing support of Parkes and Forbes Toyota, providing shirts, gloves, hats and guards.

National Tree Day started in 1996 and is now Australia's largest community tree-planting and nature care event. Once again, a big thank you to our fabulous volunteers for stepping out on the weekend for National Tree Day!

Central West Lachlan Landcare will be undertaking a review of National Tree Day sites in coming months and we look forward to sharing this follow up information with the community.

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