26 March 2025
Methmi’s artwork on display in Sydney



With MADD night being such a success for Drama, Music and Art in the last couple of weeks, it seemed like we had reached the pinnacle of the year.

This week with assessments finished and students begining to take home their arworks as the year finally starts to slow down for the Christmas break, we thought 2024 could not bring many more surpirses.

Well it did on on Wednesday!

Way back in April, 6 students artworks were chosen for the Operation Art competition and were sent to Sydney with thousands of other works from schools across the state.

The idea of the competition is for children from kindergarten to Yr 10 to create artworks for sick children in hospital.

While all entries are displayed in a Regional Gallery, only 50 from the thousands statewide are chosen to join the Westmead children's hospital permanent collection.

Those 50 works are showcased at the NSW Art Gallery.

The six chosen competitors were : Angus Carpenter Yr9, Crystal Button Yr 9, Annabel Dowd Yr 10, Methmi Hettiarachchi Gamage Yr 10, Phoebe Walker Yr10 and Roxanne Taylor Yr9.

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On Wednesday, November 27 they all received participation certificates from Operation Art and Methmi received two.

Methmi's beautiful work, has been chosen as one of the 50 to become inspiration for the sick children in Westmead Hospital.

We are so proud of all the students who tried out for this competition both at the school level and those six who had them sent away.

To have one selected into the final 50 is just such an honour and just goes to show that Forbes High school produces winners with very big hearts.