26 March 2025
Have your say now on future of your town

You can now have your say on the Community Strategic Plan for Forbes.

This 10-year plan is a plan of the community's aspirations, needs and priorities which sets strategies for achieving these goals.

Consultation for the Community Strategic Plan commenced on Monday, November 25 with the plan to be endorsed by July 1, 2025.

It is a legislative requirement for Council to maintain this plan, which will provide the community with strategies within a blueprint for long-term growth, community development and infrastructure renewal.

The survey is now live and all community members are encouraged to have your say to plan for the the Forbes shire.

You can find out more about the Community Strategic Plan by attending one of Forbes Shire Council's Town Hall drop in sessions in the new year.

Sessions will be held on Monday, January 6 from 3pm to 5pm, Tuesday, January 14 from 9am to 11am and Thursday, January 30 from 11am to 1pm.

The community survey is one of three stages of developing the plan followed by an opportunity for Council to clarify any survey results and prioritise items before all data is collated and the new Community Strategic Plan is created.

Council is available to come and present to any community or sporting organisations to assist you to complete the survey.

For more details contact Council's Community and Tourism Team on 02 6850 2300 or email

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