28 October 2024
Council calls for community input on advisory committees

Are you keen to be more involved in Forbes Shire Council and have your voice and experience heard in decision making?

Nominations are now open for community representatives on the council's advisory committees.

They are accepting nominations for the following:

Aerodrome advisory committee - six airport user representatives;

Events and tourism committee - representatives from a food house, a hotel, a motel, a caravan park and a community event;

Floodplain management committee - two community representatives;

Heritage advisory committee - three community representatives;

Indoor pool advisory committee - three members of the Forbes Indoor Pool;

Multipurpose Equestrian Centre Advisory Committee - three user group representatives;

Olympic Pool Advisory Committee - two community user representatives;

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Saleyards Advisory Committee - representatives of agents, vendors, transport and regional transport;

Tree Committee - two community representatives and one special expert.

Nomination forms are available on the Forbes Shire Council website - - under tenders, public exhibitions and expressions of interest.

Nominations close at 5pm, Friday November 1, 2024. For further information, please contact Council’s Governance Officer on 6850 2300.