20 September 2024
Robyn is president of Friends of Forbes Hospital


Ten members were present for our AGM on August 2 at Club Forbes, including Dan Herbert, member of our committee and also Forbes Hospital and Western area health.

Our meeting was chaired by Barry Wright, who declared the positions vacant and took nominations for the following positions:

President Robyn Kenny

Treasurer Gloria Haley

Vice president Norm Haley

No. 2 Vice president Lloud Gerdes

Publicity officer Lee Reynolds.

In general business to follow we acknowledged many generous donations from individuals and organisations, including one from the Riverside Community Gardens' St Patrick's Day charity open day.

Thank you too, to people for supporting our United Hospital Auxiliary stall at the local markets.

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Again many thanks for people's ongoing generosity, and new members would be very welcome at our next meeting on October 4 at 2.30pm at Club Forbes.