18 October 2024
Museum to care for historic council records

Forbes residents will be able to find records of family members dating back generations thanks to a donation from Forbes Shire Council to the Forbes and District Historical Society (FDHS).

Council donated 29 books of records dating back to 1917 on Thursday 3 October, including revenue and cash books, rates billing records, correspondence registers, letter registers and newspaper clippings.

The records are from the former Jemalong Shire and Forbes Municipal Councils, which merged to form Forbes Shire Council in 1981, and will be held in the Forbes Museum, which is managed by FDHS.

Forbes Shire Council Mayor, Phyllis Miller, said the records gave an amazing insight into the history of Forbes.

“They show what residents paid for rates over 100 years ago, letters written between the Councils and residents and how they communicated before telecommunications took over,” she said.

“For residents whose families have lived in Forbes for many generations, they will also be able to view records of their ancestors.

“Forbes Museum is a wonderful asset to our community and the FDHS does an amazing job displaying our shire’s history for the public to enjoy.”

Historical Society President, Bruce Adams, said it was a coup for the museum to be able to preserve these important records.

“They’re a very important addition to the museum and we’re very appreciative of Forbes Shire Council for its donation,” he said.

“We’re providing a secure location to store them, and while they won’t be permanently displayed, anyone can view them privately by contacting us to make an appointment.

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Forbes Museum is located at 11 Cross Street, Forbes, and is open daily between 2pm and 4pm.

To contact them phone 6851 6600 or email