31 January 2025
Letter: Thank you to all who made Christmas so special


The Havannah House Christmas Lunch Committee would like to give a heartfelt thank you for all those involved in the preparation of the HH Christmas lunch.

They would also like to thank those who donated cash, toys, food, goods in kind.

This lunch would not be possible without the amazing generosity of this town.

It is a privilege to serve this community who continue despite the hardship that businesses and individuals have experienced with the floods over the last years.

We wish the community could see the faces of those that donate their time not just on Christmas Day but also Christmas Eve and a few days before as well, the generosity in the eyes of those who come and the smiles on their faces to help.

The donations of cash, toys, food and goods in kind come from businesses and individuals who have a generous heart toward those who may not be able to give to their children what they would like.

The Christmas lunch have people who would not necessarily have someone to share with or they may due to a disability of some kind unable to prepare a meal for themselves and their loved ones.

There are all kinds of reasons why Christmas is difficult for some, and it is a joy and a privilege that we spend Christmas Day with such beautiful people.

The Havannah House Christmas Committee

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