23 January 2025
Get your Christmas trees ready

The 12th annual Rotary Ipomoea Christmas Tree Festival is fast approaching so now is the time to start planning your entries.

If you have a creative idea for a Christmas tree, wreath, Nativity, wall hanging or poster Rotary Ipomoea would love to see it come to life and exhibited in the Forbes Town Hall.

Trees can be commercially bought, a tree in a pot, a branch in a bucket full of wet sand or a painted tree branch.

Trees of all shapes and sizes are welcomed as long as it has a Christmas theme!

You can enter individually, as a school, club, family, community group, business or church and support this Rotary Ipomea project to provide a family experience for Forbes and District this Christmas.

Make sure you have a Christmas greeting placed on or under your tree from yourself, your class, family or business and local club and organisations are encouraged to display their meeting times and venues under their tree.

To make sure your tree is exhibited, deliver your tree to the Forbes Town Hall on Thursday, December 5 between 3pm and 5pm or Friday, December 6 between 7am and 10am.

The exhibition will open to the public Friday, December 6 from 1pm to 5pm.

The exhibition will remain open on the weekend with opening times on Saturday, December 7 being from 9am to 5pm and Sunday December 8 from 9am to 2pm.

Entry to view the Christmas Tree Festival will be $5 per adult and free entry for primary school children.

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If you are interested in taking part in the 12th annual Christmas tree festival RSVP by calling a Rotary Ipomoea member on 0439708456 or 0427201445 or 0413274735.

Members will be able to supply you with any further information and answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing your creative Christmas tree ideas at this year's Rotary Ipomoea Christmas Tree Festival.