19 September 2024
Coin collector shares insights with Probus

Forbes Men’s Probus Club held their August meeting on August 24.

President Neil Gilmour opened the meeting by welcoming 36 members then called for Secretary Lloyd Gerdes to read the apologies from absent members and the minutes of the previous meeting which was moved and seconded.

Lloyd then read the correspondence in and out, with no further business. President Neil then asked treasurer John Bruce to read the financial report which was seconded from the floor.

Alister Lockhart then was asked to present the welfare report. He followed by reading some facts and figures of interest to the members.. After making sure there was no other business, President Neil announced morning tea.

After morning tea Neil invited Alister Lockhart to welcome our guest speaker Alan Toole, one of our own long time members.

Alan spoke on his great knowledge of coin collecting. He opened his presentation by handing out some brochures displaying coins going back to early European settlement.

He went on to explain the different values and then the birth of the ‘holey dollar’. How in the mint they punched out the middle of the coin. This material was used and melted down to make more coins, showing how scarce the material was for making coins.

Alan explained how coins were made to represent events like the Olympics and also to honour famous people.

He informed us that Queen Elizabeth’s head on a coin looks to the right whereas King Charles’s head looks to the left (nothing political in this). He also emphasised that a copper coin should never be polished as this immediately devalues it.

After a very interesting presentation on his great knowledge of coins, he answered the many questions and President Neil had to call for one last question.

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After this question was answered, Don Rath was invited to propose a vote of thanks for an excellent address, which received an enthusiastic round of applause from the members.

President Neil then announced that the speaker for the next meeting on September 27 will be Pauline O’Neill representing the Forbes Bland Home Modification and Maintenance Service, which helps elderly people with alterations to their home.

The members were thanked for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 11.50 am.

Alister Lockhart OAM, Publicity

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