Career milestone for Forbes pharmacist

FORBES Pharmacist, Sarah Hazell, is celebrating 26 years at Flannery’s Pharmacy.

The Forbes local, graduated from Forbes High School in 1997 and went on to study pharmacy at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga, before returning to work at the local business.

“A lot of young people are amazed to learn I’ve only ever had one job. I started here at the age of 18 and that was my first job, at Flannery’s Pharmacy, and I’m still here today,” Life Pharmacy and Flannery’s Pharmacist Managing Partner, Sarah Hazell, said.

“I’ve just absolutely loved my role as a pharmacist in a small, rural community. I think it’s been so rewarding professionally, and it’s a great environment to get to know your patient and see the patient again, and again, and again and get that regular follow up. You build those wonderful relationships you become their community

pharmacist, it’s really lovely.”

The milestone comes ahead of World Pharmacist’s Day (September 25) which this year celebrates Pharmacists: Meeting Global Health Needs.

There are about 37 thousand pharmacists across nearly six thousand community pharmacies in Australia. As scope of practice initiatives are announced and rolled out in every state and territory, now more than ever pharmacists are stepping up to meet healthcare needs in their local communities.

“You see people through all different stages of their lives - I’ve been working at Flannery’s Pharmacy now for 26 years. It’s a long time,” Sarah said.

“Therefore, it’s 20 or so years of knowing the patient and you see so much. You see them as a young student, then you see them have their family and you build those beautiful relationships.”

This year marks 26 years with Life Pharmacy Group for Sarah, 22 years as a registered pharmacist and 17 years as a partner. She credits her passion for pharmacy, the Forbes community, and her mentors as a driving force behind her success.

“It was never my plan to stay in Forbes, I always wanted to live by the beach, but I’ve always been presented with wonderful opportunity after wonderful opportunity. I met my husband at university, and we moved to Forbes, and we’ve just made this our home. We’ve both got businesses in town and just love the community, and I think it’s a

great place to raise a family,” Sarah said.

“I did become a partner early in my career, but I also had wonderful mentors during that time, so it made for an easier transition.

“Tania Dwyer was my preceptor, and the pharmacist I spent most time with, in those early years, Tania certainly had a big role to play in mentoring me in the early days. And obviously, Michael Flannery has been a mentor to me from the very first moment I showed an interest in pharmacy, he’s been there guiding me along the way.