26 October 2024
Perfect combination for pairs win

A perfect bowls combination had Cliff Nelson leading for skip Jeff Nicholson displaying their game as favourites in taking out the final of the A and B Pairs last week.

While the score of 29-12 in 24 ends over Billy Cowell and ‘Bert’ Bayley may indicate a one-sided game, all at one time or another displayed shots worthy of a major final.

Nicho’s won 11 of the first 14 ends leading 12-2 after nine and 18-5 at the end of 14. In the run home it was 10-7 to Nicho’s highlighted by a four to ‘Bert’ on end 21, but the bird had flown by now.


Last Sunday one of the feature events for Sunday morning bowlers was played out in the sponsored T and M Tyres three week competition. Not only that, a jackpot of $600 is also on offer enticing plenty to play in the morning sun.

Last Sunday seven games including one of triples where winning rink was No 5 showing Billy Cowell and Brian Asimus had the better of Paul Doust and Shayne Staines winning 25-11 in the scheduled 16 ends. As they headed for half time drinks Billy and ‘Spro’ led 15-3, all but over.

They were also drawn as the jackpot rink which went unclaimed.

Losing rink, No 1 resulted in Kelly Stringer and Mick Merritt on the receiving end of 16-25 scoreline playing Jason Howell and Allan Hilder who were also in control after eight leading 12-3.

In triples Tyler Biles, Terry Murphy and Lloyd Nelson won 11-8 in a tight game over 12 ends defeating Jax Murphy, Joyce Gray and Doug Miller having to come from 4-8 down at the end of nine. 7-0 on the run home showed the benefits of a half time refresher.

A couple of old talented leagues in John Cutler and Lawrence Jackson combined with Tara-Lee Shaw to win 14-5 over Grahame Riley, Peter Besgrove and Laurie Crouch leading 11-2 after nine of 12.

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Peter Greenhalgh and Geoff Coles were at their best to win 13-8 over Steve and Bob Grant finishing best after it was 6-all at the end of 10. Next door Helen Bailey and ‘that man’ Cliff Nelson were never threatened late winning 25-6 over Tyler Murphy and Peter Mackay coming from 5-all after six.

Another to finish best were Chris Bailey and Al Phillips winning 15-11 over Angie Dwyer and Viv Russell after they were behind 4-5 after seven. Resting toucher to Paul Doust, raspberries to Lloyd Nelson (2) and ‘Spro’ Asimus, strawberry to Trish Todd. Chooks, Mick Merritt, Terry Murphy, Billy Cowell, Tara-Lee Shaw, Paul Doust, Angie Dwyer and Al Phillips.

Another $600 jackpot resulted in seven games on THURSDAY afternoon which went unclaimed after Rink 6 was draw where Laurie Crouch and Lyall Strudwick brought their A grade game to win 26-14 in 22 ends over Angie Dwyer and John Kennedy. They looked good at 20-5 after 12.

Winning rink had Max Vincent and Scott McKellar winning 22-14 in another 22 end game over Allan Hilder and Bob Grant leading 11-3 at half time. Losing rink was No 5 where Billy Cowell and Denny Byrnes suffered a 16-24 loss at the hands of Jason Howell and ‘Spro’ Asimus. After 11 of 22 it was 10-7, a five on end 18 to the winners who came from 13-15 to hit the lead. One never given up.

Paul Doust and Al Phillips won 21-9 over Helen Bailey and Bruce ‘Poss’ Jones in 20. 5-all after six before P and A took total control.

Clint Hurford and Viv Russell fell over the line 21-19 over Tara-Lee Shaw and Ian Hodges. Close all game, 6-5 after six, 8-all after 10, 11-all at the end of 14 with Tara-Lee and Ian in front 17-14 after 17. 7-2 on the run home to Clint and Viv highlighted by a four on end 20 got the ‘bickies’.

Also on show were elder statesmen John Baass and Cliff Nelson winning 20-12 over John Taylor and Ron Thurlow. 14-5 at the end of 10 in a game over 20 ends.

In the last Chris Bailey and Cherie Vincent won 27-14 over 22 end playing Peter Mackay and Tony Bratton. 17-15 at half time. Resting touchers Viv Russell, Ian Hodges, ‘Poss’ Jones, Scott McKellar and Paul Doust. Raspberries to Paul Doust, Jason Howell and Scott McKellar. No play last WEDNESDAY morning due to the inclement weather but Don Craft was there to answer all queries concerning play or no play.