29 March 2025
Junior golfers shine on a great day for golf


By Short Putt

The weekend promised to produce good golf results with sunshine forecast and plenty of competition on both days. It was the junior golfers in the field that really sparkled.

Saturday’s competition was a 4BBB Medley Stableford, with Cahill Footwear the sponsor, where players were playing for the Cahill’s Footwear Shield.

This event extends back to 1995 and is one of the most sought after events on the calendar, not the least because of the prizes donated.

The winning pair mixed youthfulness with experience. Wayne O’Niell teamed with Archie Quirk to score 50 points. Archie produced a 5-pointer, a 4-pointer and eight 3-pointers, with Wayne throwing in three 3-pointers when it mattered. They had only two holes where they could only muster a 1-pointer one point on each.

Runners-up were Anthony and Lachlan Alley with their 46 points. They had a balanced contribution each with a slow start on the front-9 and quick fire action on the back-9. Their best effort was a 5-pointer by Lachlan on the 11th hole, but otherwise it was mediocre by comparison.

In the Singles comp run in conjunction, Archie Quirk was a clear winner with his 46 points. He picked up most of his points on the front-9, highlighted by a ‘3 for 5’ on the 8th hole. Runner-up was Dave Bernardi with his 42 points, within which three 1-pointers held him back.

The ball sweep went to 43 points, going to: 45 – D Earl/D Bernardi; 44 – P Tisdell/R Webb, L O’Connor/D Mylecharane, M Simmonds/L Whitfield, P Dawson/T Callaghan, P Barnes/T Cogswell; 43 – B Parker/F Hanns, J Dobell/C Byrnes, D McGroder/S Thomas, G Webb/P Grayson.

There were three visitors, with only one of those presenting a card. Scott Tutton (Gisborne GC) was paired with Shane Sallaway and managed a score in the low 30’s. The scores for the others were very low indeed.

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The NTP’s went to: 9th – Men: L Flakelar, Ladies: S Black; 18th – Men: S French, Ladies: C Venables. Neither of them converted for a “2”. There were only four 2’s overall, with the 3rd hole yielding most thanks to its shortened distance. The 18th did yield one ‘2’ and that by Dave Earl which earned him 4 points.

The Pro Shop Super-Pin, held on the 9th hole, went to Luke Flakelar. His shot was well inside the next best, but even that was a fair distance and he was embarrassed to announce it.

There was some good play by individuals, apart from the winners that is. Tony Cogswell was pleased to mark a birdie on the 4th on his card. It was a rule book good drive, second shot to the green and a definitive putt.

Also scoring well was Dave Bernardi. He managed 42 points alone, putting his success down to the lessons he has had with Head Pro Will. His has been a rocky road of lessons and inconsistent application but it all came together on Saturday.

Sponsor Marty Cahill was pleased to be on the course, with quite a deal of ‘muscle-memory’ returning, although it did take a long time to set in. It did not look good at the outset with a ‘6’ on the first hole, but he did improve.

Many players found the putting a challenge. The greens were recovering well after their coring last week, but they still needed a definitive stroke. We lost count of the number of ‘hanging putts’ that did not drop and thus cost the player a point.

Sunday dawned with the promise of a good day for the 17 teams lined up to participate in the Annual PGA Scramble. The field comprised a large contingent of Forbes players but there were also players from Parkes, Young, Canowindra, Grenfell, Dubbo and Trundle.

The winning team looked set to score a new Ambrose record, but in the end they needed a few more birdies despite finishing with a ‘2’ on the last hole.

Todd Callaghan was the experienced player leading Harry Quirk, Dave Quirk and Reggie Murray to victory, scoring a nett 56 5/8. Their split score 0f 32-30 was compiled with the aid of a hot putter yielded by Harry Quirk. He only needed to look at the hole and the ball was in. They all took home a nice Odyssey putter as a prize.

Runners-up were Steve Betland, Troy Howe, Randall Grayson and Josh Coulthurst. They also managed a scratch of 62 (28-34) but finished with a 57 ½ nett. Josh Coulthurst needed two drives in the last three holes, managing to escape disaster with his final drive on the 18th. They grabbed a brolly each for their troubles.

Third place went to Jake Thompson, Blake Parker, Zac Yeomans, Phar Nicholson (Condobolin) with their 59 5/8 score. They also played well (31-34) but did not have the handicap to help. They looked good in their new Callaway caps.

The NTP’s were sponsored by Gunn Golf, and won by: Men (1st) – Stuart French; Ladies (9th) – Sally Crosby, ‘All in’ (18th) – Ray White.

A number of teams had the situation where a player needed their last drive on the last hole. Harry Quirk needed that on his last, the 2nd, where he ‘smoked’ a drive down to the grass mounds, helping his team to a par.

At the other end of the scale, Jake Banks stood on the 18th tee determined to get close to the pin. His almighty swing almost missed the ball, which he nicked very slightly and managed to propel the ball a few feet ahead but well short of the white tees.

Other adventures included a group from Parkes who played their second shot to the 11th from among the trees adjoining the 7th fairway, where they met Dr LIvingston. They cleared the trees, landed short, chipped up and managed a par. Brad Ashton’s group had trouble on the 4th. Two of their group tried the short-cut, finishing in the water, while another finished in the trees. Their resultant double-bogey was quite different to the ‘2’ on the previous hole.

And then of course there was another outbreak of ‘hanging putts’. It is so hard to give them enough ‘curry’, although the Adam variety of that staple seemed to do well.

Here is the news:

A misreporting last week did not give recognition to Peter Barnes and Al Rees attending the Peak Hill Open. That was the weekend of heavy rain on Sunday, but they still fronted and played. It was wet, wet, wet but the food was most excellent. Not much to say about their scores, although they did comment that because of the saucer-shape of some greens they needed a boat to get to the hole.

The time sheet for the ‘Roylances Cup’ scheduled for Sep 14 is full, but H/Pro Will is recording a ‘Reserves’ list for those keen to play. This 3-person Ambrose promises to be a big affair, with many prizes on offer and a full day of activity. The ‘Golfie’ Hotel will be buzzing.

The Demo Equipment day for Titleist and Callaway will be held by the time you read this, set for Wed 4 Sep. But contact H/Pro Will if you want discuss any of the new equipment, especially the Titleist ‘GT’ drivers and the Callaway ‘Opus’ wedges.

It is crystal ball time:

This Saturday, 7 September is the Monthly Medal, sponsored by McFeeter’s Motor Museum. Sunday has the Bogan Gate Open, for which I can already smell the delicious tucker on offer. And there is the local Stableford Medley.


He had to pay his membership fees prior to play last Thursday in the twin towns veterans golf competition but that didn’t stop Forbes’s Mike Sutcliffe soon reaping the rewards taking out the 18 hole comp with a creditable 39 points.

It was all ‘newer’ members to the fold with Ken Walton following his club mate to the trophy table as runner-up with 38 points while Parkes’ John Ivey did not leave the Forbes club returning home with the encouragement award.

It was all Forbes members with nearest the pins. 9th A grade Alf Davies, B grade Alex MacKinnon, 18th A grade Kim Herbert, B grade Mike Sutcliffe. Ball sweep to 33 points. 37 John Fowler (P), Greg Webb (F), Les Little (F), 35 Andrew Grierson (F), 34 Alf Davies (F), Steve Edwards (F), Bede Tooth (F), Kim Herbert (F), Bruce Chandler (F), 33 Nim Dziuba (P), Peter Scholefield (F), Ken Sly (F).

Forbes reversed recent twin town shield results winning with their best six individual scores from 22 starters scoring 220 points, Parkes with only nine players for their best six scores 189 points. This Thursday Parkes will host the twin towns with noms from 9.30am for a 10am shot gun start.

Last Tuesday with only eight players with no results however if interested in 12 holes on an ever improving Forbes layout after recent renovations be at the Pro Shop no later then 9am for the ball toss to determine playing partners. Coffee if interested follows.

Bogan Gate next Tuesday, your invited. In case you missed it Forbes and Parkes golfers are invited to test their skills at Bogan Gate next Tuesday with 12 holes of play then lunch and a refresher to follow. Before play, morning tea and plenty of good ‘ol country hospitality. Noms from 9.15am for a 10am start.

This is not a vets comp, open to all and going on comments last year if you missed it, you missed a great country style sports day. In the interest of helping host, Ros and Steve Edwards names by Thursday (in Parkes) would be appreciated.

If unable to play Parkes on Thursday you can indicate your intention to compete on the sand greens by phoning Steve Edwards 0415 665 925, Barry Shine 0409 718 004, John Dwyer 0419 232 755 or Peter Bristol 0419 539 126.

One who will there is defending champion, Mike Sutcliffe and as indicted by the above he has no intention to handing over the prize possession so worthily won last year as ‘The Bogan’ champion. Don’t forget to nominate, but if not post entries will accepted on the day.


By The Roving Reporter

Last Wednesday 28th August the Lady golfers played a Stableford sponsored by Undercover in Two Divisions. The Spring weather brought twenty players out with Debbie Tilley winning Division One with Runner Up Sally Crosby. Division Two Winner was Debbie Dingwall with Runner Up Colleen Venables. NTP 9th Debbie Tilley and 18th Shirley Davies.

These top ten players qualified for the Shootout Final to be played on Sunday 15th September. These are the girls who had the highest scores over 5 rounds of Stableford competitions from March to August. Coming in first was Ann Maree Gaffney 0n 187, Heather Davidson 181, Ev Uphill 178, Colleen Venables 175, Sarah Black 175, Robin Lyell 175, Debie Tilley 174, Kate Steele Park 172, Lindy Cowhan 172, Jenny Hubbard 171, Jenny Fletcher 170, Lyn Kennedy 168, Kerry Stirling 168. Congratulations to the winners last week and the qualifiers for the Shootout